January 18, 2025


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Understanding Monkeypox

Understanding Monkeypox

Understanding Monkeypox


Monkeypox is an illness caused by a virus and can be transmitted to humans from the African monkey species. The virus can also infect non-human primates (e.g., monkeys) and rodents. No cases of human-to-human transmission have been reported, although limited person-to-person spread has been documented in some outbreaks. Monkeypox is endemic in sub-Saharan Africa; however, there have been sporadic outbreaks elsewhere in the world including Asia (India), Europe (France), and North America (U.S.).

What is monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a virus that can be transmitted to people. It’s similar to smallpox, but it doesn’t cause death in humans and the symptoms are less severe than those of smallpox.

Monkeypox can be treated with antibiotics such as doxycycline or ciprofloxacin (Cipro).

Where does monkeypox come from?

Monkeypox is a viral infection that can be transmitted from animals to humans. It’s most common in Africa, but it’s also been reported in other parts of the world including Asia and South America.

Monkeypox does not pose a significant risk to the general population in the US because very few people have been infected with it here (and those who have been infected were probably exposed while traveling). However, if you travel to an area where monkeypox is more common–such as West Africa or central Africa–you should take precautions against getting sick while abroad by avoiding contact with animals and washing your hands frequently.

What are the symptoms of monkeypox?

The symptoms are similar to those of smallpox. They include fever, headache, muscle aches, backache and swollen lymph nodes. The rash appears on the face and trunk before spreading to the arms and legs.

The virus can be spread from person to person through close contact with an infected person’s respiratory secretions (for example: coughing or sneezing) or through direct contact with their open sores or scabs (the crusty skin left behind after a pox sore forms).

How serious is monkeypox?

Monkeypox is a milder disease than smallpox. It’s not as serious, and it doesn’t tend to cause death the way smallpox does. In fact, monkeypox isn’t even transmitted person to person–you can only get it if you touch an infected animal or breathe in their droplets while they’re sneezing or coughing. Monkeypox isn’t transmitted by air or water either; it needs direct contact with an infected animal for you to catch it yourself.

The good news is that even though monkeypox isn’t as deadly as smallpox was, there are still some things you should know about this virus before traveling abroad:

Monkeypox can be dangerous and requires medical treatment.

Monkeypox can be dangerous, and requires medical treatment.

Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease that can spread from animals to humans. It’s related to smallpox, but not as serious–and it’s not a threat to the general population.


Monkeypox is a serious disease that requires medical attention. It can be fatal if left untreated, so it’s important to know the signs and symptoms of monkeypox so that you can seek treatment immediately if necessary.